Special Education
Special Education at South School
Modified regular education programs are designed to provide services to students within the regular classroom. The objective is to assist students so that they will learn the strategies, techniques, and skills to enable them to increase their independence within the general curriculum. Strategies may include organization skills, attending skills, behavior management, and verbal comprehension as well as specific instruction in reading, writing and mathematics through our Response To Intervention (RTI) – Three Tier Model. Team taught classroom opportunities which offer smaller class sizes and cooperative teaching between a regular educator and special educator are happening in fifteen classrooms across the district.
Resource programs provide more intensive instruction to remediate difficulties in language, reading, writing, mathematics and social skills. This instruction can be individualized or in small groups. Specialized instruction, specialized programs, and materials are provided by the special education team to meet the goals and objectives identified in the students I.E.P. (Individualized Education Program).
Significant individualized programs are developed for low incidence populations who require a significant portion of their day to be highly individualized. This might include students with autism, intellectual disabilities, significant developmental delays, multiple disabilities, traumatic brain injury or severe emotional disturbances.
Alexis Leclair, Special Education Program Director
(603) 432-6956 x5206
Shauna Massahos, Special Education Administrative Assistant
(603) 432-6956 x5229
Jenelle Byerly
Patricia Carew
Kaleigh Decknick
Jessica Gallant
Kelly Gibbons
Kayla Gray
Piper Gosselin
Danielle Harrington
Karla Lees
Sharon Lemoine
Shelby Mahon
Maria McCoy
Kerin O'Brien
Cheryl O'Shea
Kelsey Pescia
Eleanor Robbins
Kristin Stockbridge
Suzanne Smith
Karen Turcotte